The Pack includes thousands of the best color maps for Worms: Armageddon from legendary Worms Map Database. The key feature of the Pack is the convenience of original WMDB sorting by Gametype/Author/Name, that makes it easy to navigate maps from the game. The Pack has an automated collection process, that way it is guaranted to not include any trash maps. Finally, it is built into a single large .iso image — you can quickly find any map or the author (by mounting the image and browsing it via your favorite file manager).
You can also download separate parts of the Pack you interested in, for example, Shopper or Bazooka & Grenade.

Previously, fresh Heavy Pack issue has (usually) been released every year. In 2014, an automated collection system has been introduced. It is based on WMDB's reviewers
opinion; maps in the Pack are only ones that rated greater or equal 2 points (see WMDB Docs),
that way, it's guaranteed to be pretty trashless while saving it's weight.
Currently, this site automatically fetches fresh reviewed maps from WMDB once per week; these updates are instantly available to download using the links above.
License: Feel free to download and redistribute the Pack (and any links), also to use it's contents for any purposes. The only restriction is that you are not permitted to remove or change any author(s) mentions nor links. If you are going to make changes to Heavy Pack ISO image(s) and redistribute the modified version, it must be patently marked as "modified".